Mobile App

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Android and iOS Apps
work with a wide range of
smart, connected devices.

Download SMART INDIA App

Use the Camera or other QR Code Reader app on your mobile phone to scan the code here and download SMART INDIA app.

Android App
iOS App

Automatically discover SMART INDIA devices connected to your Wi-Fi network.

Securely control a device from anywhere in the world with an intuitive user interface.

Logically group, organize, and manage devices using multiple Spaces.

Perform bulk operations on all the devices in a space with a single touch.

Automatically discover SMART INDIA devices connected to your Wi-Fi network.

Securely control a device from anywhere in the world with an intuitive user interface.

Logically group, organize, and manage devices using multiple Spaces.

Perform bulk operations on all the devices in a space with a single touch.

Like to control your smart IoT appliances with voice? Check out the Voice Assistant Setup page to easily configure your SMART INDIA account with Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, or Samsung SmartThings.